All Quiet on the Western Front 2022 DUAL 480p WEB-DL x264

movieROctober 28, 2022
Paul Baumer and his friends Albert and Muller, egged on by romantic dreams of heroism, voluntarily enlist in the German army. Full of excitement and patriotic fervour, the boys enthusiastically march into a war they believe in. But once on the Western Front, they discover the soul-destroying horror of World War I.
IMDb Rating
2h 27min
Top Review

In my honest opinion a film that wants to portray the war, should describe the war as closely as possible to reality and not exclude anything so that it can perhaps be better distributed to readers. The world wars are covered in thousands of books and films, but only a few can develop authenticity. Both book and movie (2011) "All Quiet at the Western Front" do exactly this. At first I didn't believe that "All Quiet at the Western Front" could be told without a narrator. But one can. I've just come out of the cinema and I'm deeply impressed by the Netflix remake, the incredible visual power, a sound that fits seamlessly into the narration at every point and instead of the usual banging of tension on TV series, finally brings real instruments instead of an unnecassary soundtrack. Historically, the film has been researched down to the smallest detail. A tidbit for historians are the scenes from the chariot of Compiègne. The mask and equipment were brilliant. The rickety French World War II tanks look like monsters. The actors are excellent. I didn't even know most of them. I especially liked Kat (Katczinsky). They all speak incredibly authentically and not artificially. The most diverse dialects mix with everyday language at the time of the First World War. Brilliant performance! "All Quiet at the Western Front" (2022) will rank as one of the best war films in film history. If it doesn't win an Oscar, I'll try a broom. The film conveys exactly the same impression that Remarque transferred with his book. I'm 100% sure he would have impressed him. The brutality of the war is told without pathos, glorification of heroes or kitsch, so that classics like "Saving Private Ryan" will look very pale in comparison.

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Cast Overview
  • Felix Kammerer
  • Albrecht Schuch
  • Aaron Hilmer
File Size
619.0 MB
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