Ancient Empires Complete S01 480p WEBRip x264

tvseriesSeptember 12, 2023
This seven-hour miniseries explores the foundations of the greatest empires of all time and the incredible stories of Alexander the Great, Julius Caesar and Cleopatra.
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A poor attempt at rewriting modern views of historical figures in a negative light while completely ignoring what the societal context and norms of their respective ages were. It seems like the attempt here was to eliminate the generally accepted views of Julius Caesar, Alexander the Great, and Cleopatra, and rewrite them by portraying each of these historical figures in a negative light, while downplaying their historical importance and achievements. As an example, in many cases they speak of their military conquests in terms how violent these leaders were to their enemies, while completely ignoring that their enemies would have been no kinder had they been victorious. It's all ads up to bad attempt to erase the history we know and replace it with a slanted negative view of very well known historical figures. Not worth the time to watch.

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Cast Overview
  • Jamie Bacon
  • Patrick Wyman
  • Wesley Clark
File Size
292.0 - 480.0 MB
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