Castlevania Nocturne Complete S02 480p WEBRip x264

tvseriesTV-MAJanuary 17, 2025
In the thick of the French Revolution, members of the so-called lower classes are rising up to fight inequality. Meanwhile, Richter Belmont senses a far grimmer and greater danger. He's picked up his family's long-held tradition of vampire hunting, a vocation that goes back almost as long as a vampiric life span (in other words, forever) but he's never seen anything quite like what he's witnessing now.
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Top Review

I share some of the sentiments with regard to the other reviewers. The visuals are great but the story is lacking. But seeing as I don't know the castlevania storyline from the game, I don't care if the show is true to the game storyline. My biggest gripe with this show is just how weak the monsters are. Vampires and night creatures are star wars storm trooper levels of useless. They are just fodder for the heroes to kill, so they have no intimidation factor. The second gripe is related to the writing, stuff like how when one of the characters goes on a spying mission how they immediately find what they are looking for and are within hearing distance of important conversations. All this while the Vampires which are supposed to have heightened senses cannot detect that someone is following them and listening in on their conversations. That's just hack writing.

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Cast Overview
  • Edward Bluemel
  • Thuso Mbedu
  • Pixie Davies
File Size
70.0 - 145.0 MB
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