Gemini Man 2019 720p KORSUB HDRip x264

moviePG-13November 15, 2019
Henry Brogan is an elite 51-year-old assassin who's ready to call it quits after completing his 72nd job. His plans get turned upside down when he becomes the target of a mysterious operative who can seemingly predict his every move. To his horror, Brogan soon learns that the man who's trying to kill him is a younger, faster, cloned version of himself.
IMDb Rating
1h 57min
Top Review

When I saw the trailer I thought "Yea, I already know exactly how the story goes, but the deaging effects look nice" So I went into it expecting not much, but at least some average entertainment. But oh boy, the movie is kinda hard to enjoy. The characters have no depth, the story is totaly bland and the action in it's best moments is super average. I was right on both my predictions. The trailer already tells you the whole story and it does feel like you've already seen it before. And also, the creation of a young Will Smith totaly worked. The script is horrible and you can easily notice the flaws. There are some super obvious setups that are so randomly thrown in that you know it's gotta be important later, just to then be disappointed that the payoff is even worse. Speaking of "Bees". Sometimes it feels like scenes are missing. Some actually important stuff just happens off-screen. The finale is disappointing and unspectacular and also the special effects are super whacky. People jump and run so fast that it looks like an early 2000s movie. Conclusion: Will Smith keeps picking mediocre movies, I can't recommend you watching this, I was really bored.

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Cast Overview
  • Will Smith
  • Mary Elizabeth Winstead
  • Clive Owen
  • Benedict Wong
File Size
746.0 MB
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