Hudson and Rex S06E13 720p WEB-DL x265

As the title says, some episodes work well, some are quite bad, many are mixed. The show switches between light hearted, slightly humorous, and fun to very dark and serious. I think it's more enjoyable the former way and with Hudson and Rex acting more like buddies. When it gets overly serious, dark, and dramatic, it's harder to watch. A consistent issue is bad acting (or bad dialogue and direction) and some of the characters being too serious. The lead actor, or his character, is pretty good though and his dialogue and emotions have more range compared to other characters. Another issue is how Rex saves the day at the end of nearly every episode. In most cases, it is very hard to believe to the point it's comical and I laugh. I get that's a key part of the show, but maybe it'd work better if the scenes were more like Rex helping, not on his own taking down the guilty person. Small annoyance, but they reuse stock footage of the outside of the police station and it becomes noticeable after a few episodes. It's another part of the show that is unintentionally funny. How hard would it be for them to record more footage of the outside of that police station? At least get one without people walking in it and it wouldn't be so obvious. What inspired me to write this review now was the most recent episode (half of 2 parter), which was pretty bad aside from Rex on his own in the woods encountering different dangers and obstacles, which was fun. It had the negative aspects I mentioned above turned to the max, very unbelievable situation, overly dramatic, cheesy dialogue, plus the main character is barely in it and they have some new characters doing the work. It's obvious the intent was to try something different and make the episode stand out in that way but it was not executed well.
- John Reardon
- Mayko Nguyen
- Kevin Hanchard