Mixed-ish S01E12 480p WEBRip x264

tvseriesTV-PGJanuary 15, 2020
Rainbow Johnson recounts her experience growing up in a mixed-race family in the '80s and the constant dilemmas they had to face over whether to assimilate or stay true to themselves.
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Remember those movies in junior high that tried to be entertaining and educational at the same time, but decided to go with education over entertainment? Yeah; this is another one of THOSE. This show is trying way too hard to show that there was racism in the 1980s but little else. The problem is that it's operating in a weird universe where 1970s humor is in effect (stewardesses and hippies) while events from the 1990s are having an impact (David Koresh was mentioned) in order to describe race issues from the 1980s without proper context. It just feels like it's being told by someone who didn't really live in the 1980s and is trying to cobble together different decades in order to create a specific effect. This could have been a great sitcom if they would have generalized the issue with being different to a more general audience (and there is an attempt at the end of the second episode), but it's just trying too hard to work in the racism issue. Look: We know there's racism. I'm just not sure if yet another show that's just to hit people over the head with the idea is going to work. I'm not saying don't portray racism, just that a show needs to be entertaining first, educational second. Just look at how many edutainment shows failed because they didn't learn that simple lesson. This may be yet another failure in that regard. There's just too much

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Cast Overview
  • Tika Sumpter
  • Mark-Paul Gosselaar
  • Christina Anthony
File Size
121.0 MB
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