Patria S01E07-E08 480p WEBRip x264

tvseriesTV-14November 16, 2020
A look at the impact of Spain's Basque conflict on ordinary people on both sides, such as the widow of a man killed by the ETA who returns to her home village after the 2011 ceasefire between the separatist group and the Spanish government, and her former intimate friend, the mother of a jailed terrorist.
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Top Review

I'm Spanish and I lived this as a kid, just as it was ending. Never saw the true horrors as I was about three at the time and my parents didn't want me to watch the news and see what was happening in Pais Vasco, but I remember the gruesome stories people told back then. I know that a lot of people won't appreciate or understand the importance of this series, but to me and to the younger generations who might not even know about this, it's a piece of history that should never be forgotten. That said, I have loved seeing these stories unfold and all of their points of view. I've learned a lot about my own country.

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Cast Overview
  • Elena Irureta
  • Ane Gabarain
  • José Ramón Soroiz
  • Mikel Laskurain
File Size
204.0 - 227.0 MB
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