Professor T S02E01-E02 720p WEB-DL x265
tvseriesSeptember 27, 2022

Professor Jasper Tempest, a genius Cambridge University criminologist with OCD and an overbearing mother, advises the police. British version of the Belgian crime drama of the same name.
IMDb Rating
Top Review
"Unfortunately" I watched the original version from Belgium. None of this - for me - comes close to the quirkiness & originality of the first. It might help if the peripheral characters/actors were cast on par - they are not. One of the weakest supporting cast I've seen. There is absolutely no charisma - no balance amongst any. The 'romance' doesn't deserve attention - tossed in there to give the backstory some personality. The two momentary lovers are poles apart in conveying any attraction, individually or as a pair. I'm mildly surprised at this British series being to lacklustre - then again lately very few have even tried to even try.
Cast Overview
- Ben Miller
- Emma Naomi
- Barney White
File Size
213.0 - 239.0 MB
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