The Boys Word Blood on the Asphalt Complete S01 RUSSIAN 720p WEB-DL x265

tvseriesApril 1, 2024
In the late 1980s, when "perestroika" was taking place in the USSR and the era of the Soviet Union was about to collapse, life became unstable and very different. The 1980s brought not only freedom, but also waves of crime on the city streets. While some young people began to 'grow up' on the streets, others found it difficult to find their place in this unpredictable reality. Andrey, lives with his mother and five-year-old sister. He studies at a music school and often encounters street teenagers who harass him. To protect himself, Andrey makes friends with one of these teenagers, Marat, who introduces him to gang life. Youth groups fight for every piece of territory; they defend their right to live the life, even breaking laws and promises. The only thing that matters to them is the vows they make to their gang members-brothers, with whom they confront the violence and fears of the adult world.
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Top Review

"Slovo patsana" gives an excellent idea of a lost generation - frightened, confused, trying new and unknown things at the turn of the century, on the border of two states, one of which does not really exist yet. "Here it will soon be like in America, and maybe even better," says Ivan Yankovsky's hero optimistically. Optimism is the property of authorities. There is no and, it seems, no happy ending is expected for the characters in the series. Once they take the path of crime, young guys are doomed to either answer to the law or to their conscience for the rest of their lives. In perestroika Kazan, man is a wolf to man, the strong are always right, especially if he has reinforcement in his hands. However, even wolves gather in packs, because the real threat to their world is the one that "supplies the Stingers to the spirits."

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Cast Overview
  • Ivan Yankovskiy
  • Ruzil Minekaev
  • Leon Kemstach
File Size
211.0 - 279.0 MB
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