The Drovers Wife the Legend of Molly Johnson 2021 720p WEB-DL x264

movieJuly 6, 2022
In 1893, heavily pregnant Molly Johnson and her children struggle in isolation to survive the harsh Australian landscape after her husband left to go droving sheep in the high country. One day, she finds a shackled Aboriginal fugitive named Yakada wounded on her property. As an unlikely bond begins to form between them he reveals secrets about her true identity. Realizing Molly's husband is actually missing, new town lawman Nate Clintoff starts being suspicious and sends his constable to investigate.
IMDb Rating
1h 49min
Top Review

If you're looking for a film adaptation of the classic short story this isn't it. The original story has been "reimagined" which is modern code for "stolen". I won't ruin the "plot", but suffice to say the tale is now told through a feminist lens so it plays out exactly as you'd expect without any surprises alone the way. The usual suspects that view entertainment as a "platform" rather than an artistic medium adore this movie, but if you can still think for yourself you'll likely hate it as I do.

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Cast Overview
  • Leah Purcell
  • Rob Collins
  • Sam Reid
File Size
773.0 MB
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