The Great North S04E03-E04 480p WEBRip x264

I originally wrote a review after sporadically watching the first season with time in between the episodes and an episode or 2 of the second season. And I didn't get the appeal, thinking it was a boring Bob's Burgers knock off. But I think watching it staggered and a couple of duller season 2 episodes gave me a bad impression. Bc I continued to binge through the second season straight through and it just kind of hit me. It isn't the best show I've ever watched but it's really comforting. I don't know if it's the Alaskan setting hitting suppressed dreams of giving up on the city life and just moving out to open nature or just seeing a family who even in a rougher physical environment and with an absentee mom still just love and support each other unconditionally. It makes me feel good watching the show. It just feels nice to watch these characters and while it's rarely laugh out loud funny it's continuously humorous. Especially thanks to the talented voice cast. And I think with all the hyperbolic and nihilistic comedy we tend to have these days or ones that are trying to have bigger messages and push boundaries (both of which I do enjoy a lot!), once in awhile it's nice to have a show that's, dare I say, wholesome. But not without some edge and I don't mean it's conservative, it's not. It still occasionally tackles issues like homosexuality and race but the main conceit of the show is that this is a good hard working loving and open minded family who are just living their lives. Sometimes they learn lessons and sometimes they have more comical scenarios. But it's a great way for my brain to relax from the stresses of how mad our reality has become or things in my life specifically. That everything works out with the right attitude and support of the people around you. Sometimes you just need that in your life and done in an entertaining way.
- Nick Offerman
- Jenny Slate
- Will Forte