Werewolves Within 2021 720p WEB-DL x264

movieRJuly 4, 2021
When a proposed pipeline creates hostilities between residents of a small town, a newly-arrived forest ranger must keep the peace after a snowstorm confines the townspeople to an old lodge. But when a mysterious creature begins terrorizing the group, their worst tendencies and prejudices rise to the surface, and it is up to the ranger to keep the residents alive, both from each other and the monster which plagues them.
IMDb Rating
1h 37min
Top Review

We all know the history of video game to movie adaptations. Middling at best, eye-rolling so bad its good time killers. I'm not rating it based on the game - I'm rating the movie itself. If you're looking for a small-town, quirky Fargo-esque whodunit with some small moments of humor mixed in with even smaller moments of horror and weird small-town, narrow minded personalities represented, then this is it. If you're looking for a heavy dose of any one genre or sub-genre you're going to be somewhat disappointed with this hybrid film. The lead is an up an coming actor with a great range - (see him in The Tomorrow War w/Chris Pratt) - other than him, the rest of the cast is middling. It feels like a missed opportunity with the supporting cast, dialogue - and given that they skimped on red herring moments and great kills (or lack of) - I would give this movie a 5/10. The lead, setting/atmosphere, score are 9/10 and elevate the overall package. It is a perfect introduction to horror for the younger crowd. I'd rank this as a better film than Howl, Late Phases and Wer but it does not stand out for its time like Ginger Snaps. An American Werewolf in London will never seemingly be toppled for a horror comedy and remains the platinum standard in the werewolf sub-genre, with The Howling close behind for transformation and overall horror.

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Cast Overview
  • Sam Richardson
  • Milana Vayntrub
  • George Basil
File Size
611.0 MB
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