Youre Cordially Invited 2025 720p WEB-DL x264

Someone needs to call Will Ferrell and tell him he is over the hill and to retire. YOU'RE NOT FUNNY ANYMORE! It is physically painful to watch a falling star, that means Reese Witherspoon as well. These are two people that need to be remembered for the good movies that they had and not embarrass themselves with these over the top, "comedies" which are too awful to sit through. A major issue in Hollywood is that if Will Ferrell was a woman they would have her playing the part of a great grandmother, that lives in a rest home, and is incoherent. But since Will Ferrell is a man, he gets to continue playing lead male roles up until he is IN a rest home. It is so uncomfortable seeing a dude that was in his prime, now all shriveled up like an old prune. Will is so unappealing to look at now, not that he was ever good looking, that it makes one nauseous just to see his face. Yuck! Retire Will Ferrell you are a hack now and you have lost your magic.
- Will Ferrell
- Reese Witherspoon
- Geraldine Viswanathan