First Time Female Director 2023 1080p WEB-DL DD5.1 x264
movieMarch 9, 2024

Writer Sam is thrust into the role of director at a local theater after her predecessor gets fired. Barely making it through each rehearsal, Sam struggles to wrangle her eclectic cast while trying different tactics to make her play a success.
IMDb Rating
1h 37min
Top Review
I went in not knowing who the writer was. But in the middle of it, I was sure it was Chelsea Peretti, because her style of humor is very well displayed in the movie. She likes weird character quirks, more than jokes. Thought what she did in the beginning with the form was interesting. I didn't like that all the acting was very uncommited to the characters, like they weren't taking it seriously. And that's not a fault of the actors, that's part of Peretti's comedic style. That aloofness where they think that trying hard, and taking things seriously is cringe. But it just breaks too much of the suspension of disbelief.
Cast Overview
- Amy Poehler
- Andy Richter
- Mike Rose
File Size
1.7 GB
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