Jakobs Wife 2021 720p WEB-DL x264

movieNot RatedApril 17, 2021
Anne is married to a small-town Minister and feels her life and marriage have been shrinking over the past 30 years. After a brutal and bloody encounter with "The Master", she discovers a new sense of power and an appetite to live bigger and bolder than before. However, these changes come with a heavy body count and a toll on her marriage.
IMDb Rating
1h 38min
Top Review

Isnt a surprise, then i dont know what more you want out of a religious horror movie than this. Its really no points of rest, it shifts fast, never trust any strangers, and a rat in a cage= suicide =go-go, add some satanistic inclusions and some weed smoking youngsters, and a ministers wife that looses grip of her life, as people start to disappear, blod is drunken and a n evil entity makes this a well made sacramental horror movie at all parts. Actors are fairly unknown to me, but they deliver scriptwise, the filmographic presentation is good, it tells much of the story itself, and some excellent musical score and sound effects. So when the beloved spouce goes spicy you better take cover and let it flame out by itself. The grumpy old man liked this film, so a recommend.

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Cast Overview
  • Barbara Crampton
  • Larry Fessenden
  • Bonnie Aarons
  • Nyisha Bell
File Size
663.0 MB
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