The Immaculate Room 2022 720p WEB-DL x264

movieRAugust 19, 2022
Mike and Kate, a young couple, get the once-in-a lifetime chance to win a cool five million dollars. The challenge: Live for a month in a blank space. Sticking it out for thirty days, and the five million are theirs. How difficult can it be?
IMDb Rating
1h 32min
Top Review

It's hard to imagine a more obviously COVID-era movie, made in strict isolation with a small handful of actors, some of whom never even meet each other and talk only to a camera in another room. On one level it's admirable that they tried to keep on making movies in such an incredibly challenging time, but it already feels dated and claustrophobic and it's just obvious that it exists only for the reason of producing content during a pandemic. There is practically nothing that happens in it that comes as any kind of surprise, and there's no original, meaningful or particularly convincing moments that occur at any point. To be fair, there's nothing glaringly BAD about it, either, just the perpetually nagging feeling that it wouldn't exist at all if not for some head office instruction to continue pumping out streaming content at all costs when the barrel is otherwise scraped dry.

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Cast Overview
  • Emile Hirsch
  • Kate Bosworth
  • Ashley Greene
File Size
569.0 MB
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